Jiro Kawatsuma

Jiro Kawatsuma

Jiro Kawatsuma

This is my Jiro Kawatsuma’s story.   I wants you to hear and share it.

I am now in Hiroshima.  The date is August 6th, 1945, the day the atomic

bomb was dropped. Hot winds and radiation permeate the large area.

People are burned all over their bodies. Shirts’ sleeves tear off from the

shoulders and are stuck at the wrists, where the burned skins dangle, but

they try to walk back home with voices, crying out, “Give me water…”

People walk around for the first three days, not knowing the impact of the

deadly radiation.

Rescuers from other prefectures arrive in Hiroshima and succumbed to the radiation.

By the end of 1945, the death toll reaches 140,000.

 As of today the death toll counted over 320,000.

Heiwa Survivor Trees are strong.

They saw the horror of the atomic bomb.

It lamented the deaths of people, and started to call for peace in the world.

This is what Green Legacy meant to us, we would live as they do.

The Rotary Clubs are spreading this project to promote world peace.


Written by Jiro Kawatsuma

Past District Govonor of 2710,

Hibakusha, Hiroshima Survivor. 

He was 18 years old.
